Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Robot Pets and A.I Pals

A.I has come a long way in the world of beating humans at video games, and in-home assistants like Google Home and Amazon Alexa are nice tools, for both productivity and laziness.
But unfortunately, robot pets are still not much more impressive than Aibo from over a decade ago.
Finding a working Sony Aibo these days can get ridiculously expensive.

WowWee MiP The Toy Robot

MiP is probably the most mobile of all the toy robots. The little dual wheel balancing robot can carry its own weight on a tray, respond to hand gestures and noices in his environment.
WowWee also has some other interesting toys, including Coji the Coding Robot.

Cozmo - A clever little buddy

One of the most popular programmable robots. Cozmo by Anki can recognize your face and can be programmed to do many fun things, including voice commands.

Alpha S1 by UBTECH

The Alpha S1 is the most Agile of all the robot toys, and has some programmable functions via app and bluetooth. It can tell stories and perform dance moves, but it does not really feel like a pet as it is not very interactive.

Robot are pretty cool, and we want more, better, for cheap!
Yes, I know what you're thinking, " Invest in your own Boston Dynamics scientists or something, if you really want one that bad". Maybe I will do that!

4M Tin Can Robot

A real budget home robot. If, like me, you're not ready to spend a lot, then this robot might be for you.

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